Wednesday 6 March 2013

PhD Application Qualification Verification

I had a minor heart attack just now because, as I do every 10 minutes, I checked my application status on the Cardiff website thing whatever for applications, and suddenly my qualifications box was empty and I was like, WHAT.

But then I checked the application form there and it says that everything other than my Leicester degree has been verified - of course they can't verify my Leicester degree, I don't have it yet.

So that's probably why.

I hope that's why, at least.

On the upside, that hopefully means I'll either hear a very cruel "NO" soon or get an invitation for an interview, like, soon too. Fingers crossed and all that.

In the meanwhile, I'll go back to having minor heart attack about other things that I shouldn't be having minor heart attacks over. Lators.

PS To remain faithful to the spirit of Imperial March, I will be giving a short presentation on American Psycho today in Media & Crime.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with those minor heart-attacks ... and Awesome Presentation Topic!!! :)
