Friday 15 March 2013

Duvet cover

Okay, so I lied a tiny bit yesterday - I'm bothered by a tiny bit more than a cough - say head ache and tiredness. Still a normal common cold though, should be better in the morning, it's the normal pattern, one day properly ill and then back to normal.

The most peculiar thing though - whenever I'm not feeling well, I seem to be reminded of this duvet cover I used to have as a child. It was yellow - custard yellow - with thin white stripes on the one side, and white with custard yellow thin strips on the other side.
I wonder what happened to that cover, it was one of my favourites. It probably unravelled and ended up in my dad's rag box - it must've been as old as me, if not older. It went with us on holiday once, I think, probably France or Germany - one of the car trips, so must've been either of those - and maybe I tend to remember it when I'm ill because that's the only duvet cover in my mind whenever I remember when I was ill as a child.

If I ever find a similar duvet cover, I need to have it - there's something incredibly soothing about custard yellow-with-thin-white-stripes.

Btw, this is not it:
The stripes are too close together and the pillow thing never had buttons. But it's the right shade of yellow. I'd go mad over the number of stripes though. 

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