Thursday 20 September 2012

About Me: And after?

Oooooh, that dreaded question. "So, what are you going to do after this?"

Well, I've got four plans.

A) I will apply for PhD programme 1: the doctorate in cultural and global criminology (dcgc), which is part of the Erasmus Mundus programme and which will allow me to do time (hihi, like a prison, get it? Sorry.) in Kent, Utrecht and Hamburg (and maybe Budapest). Deadline: 8 January 2013.

B) I will apply for DPhil programme 1/2 (depends on whether you count DPhil as PhD, because it is in fact just a PhD with a different order of abbreviations): which is at Oxford... I would love to have Federico Varese as a supervisor because I loved Mafias on the Move. And also, Oxford. Deadline: January 18 2013.

C) I will apply for PhD programme 2/3: this is one I'll have to arrange all by myself. I could stay in Leicester and try to work with Yvonne Jewkes, author of Media and Crime, and maybe try to get a second supervisor from another Uni; I'm dying to work with Christiana Gregoriou, because of Language, Ideology and Identity in Serial Killer Narratives, but I'm not sure if such a construction would work out (and whether they'll be interested in supervising my PhD). It would be epic, though, if it would work out.

D) I will apply for a Rijkstraineeship, which is a 2-year government programme where you get to work at the ministry that best matches your interests. Also an interesting option for after a PhD.

After that? Well, considering that if I get to go into A/B/C and afterwards D, I'll have filled the next 5-7 years of my life, I think that for now I get to say that I've planned enough. Except, of course, that I haven't. But everything afterwards isn't set in stone.


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